
The founder of Tranquility Chiropractic Studio, Dr. Misty Funk, created a comprehensive clinic where patients could get treatment for stress-related conditions. She first noticed the harmful effects of stress when she developed chronic tension headaches in undergraduate school. Her first chiropractic experience taught her that manipulation, massage, and simple strengthening exercises could help reduce the frequency of her headaches.

While she was attending Texas Chiropractic College, Dr. Funk started studying yoga, meditation, and other relaxation techniques to help reduce stress. Through her personal experience with stress– headaches, neck and shoulder pain, insomina, and stomach problems–Dr. Funk wanted to create a clinic where her patients could learn to reduce their stress, in addition to, obtain treatment for its harmful side effects!

One Response to “About”

  1. Andre' Piliszek Says:

    hello misty,

    i like your blogs…how’s austin treating you ? ive got some friends that live in volente and cedar park that i visit on occasion…each time i visit i realize how much more in sync i am with your town…i am seriously considering a move to your neck in the near future once things here settle down…take care.

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