Archive for October, 2008

Co-Treating Patients: Massage Therapists and Doctors of Chiropractic

October 21, 2008

Dr. Misty Funk, owner of Tranquility Chiropractic Studio, is interested in developing relationships with massage therapists in order to provide better treatment for her patients. Her goal is to co-treat clients who could benefit from the combination of massage and chiropractic. “It is my goal to work in conjunction with therapist to provide overall healing for patients,” states Dr. Funk.

“As a chiropractor, massage provides great benefits to the patient. Patients who receive regular massages respond more quickly to chiropractic treatment. Patient’s also tend to be less anxious and more ready to receive chiropractic adjustment after a relaxing massage, and adjustments can have a longer lasting effect when muscle tension is released,” she states.When we combine our services and work to address a patient’s multi-faceted problem, the patient will experience a decrease in the time it takes to heal, an increase in the results, and an increase in their quality of life.

(Massage Therapists) Have you have ever treated a client you suspect had an underlying problem? You can feel muscle tightness and pain, but you detect there may be something more to their pain? As a massage therapist, if you detect any of the following, you may have a client who could benefit from combined treatment of massage therapy and chiropractic care.

  • Trauma (Falls, Car Accidents, Direct Blows, etc.)
  • Pinpoint bony tenderness over the spine
  • Painful range of motion of the spine
  • Significant scoliosis observed during treatment
  • Potential spinal instability

Dr. Misty Funk specializes in the treatment of headaches, neck and back pain. Dr. Funk uses techniques specific to the area of pain including: manual therapy (myofascial release, ART, trigger point therapy), stretching, manipulation, and rehabilitation. She is committed to send each referral given to her back to their massage therapist. To learn more about her, please visit her website at

Reception at Tranquility Chiropractic Studio!

October 15, 2008

This month is National Chiropractic Month, and I want to CELEBRATE!  Please join me on Saturday, October 25th from 2-4PM, at Tranquility Chiropractic Studio located at 11673 Jollyville Road, Suite 202.  I will be hosting a reception with snacks and drinks for everyone. All existing patients will receive a complementary adjustment, as an added bonus.

I want you all to know that I am so happy to be a Doctor of Chiropractic! Treating all of my patients has been an incredible experience, both professionally and personally. In the last seven months, I have given hundreds of complementary massages, ten brown bag lunches, countless calls to businesses, complementary care to pastors….I’ve even passed out fliers door-to-door. Yikes….If only I could convince myself that soliciting was fun! LOL!

It my goal to make Tranquility Chiropractic Studio a REFERRAL PRACTICE- one where my patients share what chiropractic care has done to improve their quality of life! No one knows better than the patients at Tranquility about the benefits of chiropractic and the high quality of care given to everyone who walks in the door!

Did you know?

  • Chiropractic is the fastest-growing and second-largest primary health care profession.
  • Doctors of Chiropractic provide effective, low-cost health care for a wide range of conditions.
  • Back pain is one of the most common reasons for missed work.
  • Experts estimate as many as 80% of the population will experience a back problem at some time in our lives.
  • Americans spend at least $50 Billion each year on back pain-and that’s just for the more easily identified costs.

My wish is that all chiropractic patients would share their chiropractic success stories with everyone! It only takes a few minutes to tell your co-worker, hair dresser, family physician, mail carrier, and anyone else what chiropractic care has done and can do! Everyone deserves to live pain-free, tension-free, and stress-free!  The whole world deserves to know about CHIROPRACTIC!!!

Thanks for making a difference,

Dr. Misty Funk

October is National Chiropractic Month!

October 6, 2008

Small Changes Can Have Big Impact on Overall Health

Says American Chiropractic Association

This October, during National Chiropractic Month, the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) is encouraging families to make simple changes in an effort to improve their overall health and well-being.

“Making small consistent changes are the keys to achieving better health,” says Dr. Misty Funk of Tranquility Chiropractic Studio. “Chiropractic, because of its focus on prevention, can play an integral role in helping Americans improve their health.”

Doctors of chiropractic are trained and licensed to serve as primary care doctors, Dr. Funk notes. “They stress preventive protocols such as, dietary and nutritional counseling, exercise, rehabilitation and ergonomics.”

Dr. Funk and ACA recommend the following health tips.

  • Exercise daily
  • Control your weight
  • Commit to proper nutrition
  • Avoid smoking or other tobacco products
  • Use alcohol in moderation
  • Control any chronic diseases or disorders (including high blood pressure, diabetes, or high levels of cholesterol).

Doctors of chiropractic provide drug-free, non-invasive treatment options for many types of pain and inflammation. For example, chronic back pain, neck pain, joint pain and headaches can often be reduced with the appropriate combination of chiropractic manipulation, rehabilitative exercises and lifestyle counseling – all of which are offered by doctors of chiropractic in a patient’s personalized treatment plan.

“Consumers also should know that chiropractic treatment is a covered benefit in virtually all traditional insurance policies,” adds Dr. Funk. “As many as 87 percent of all insured American workers have coverage for chiropractic services in their existing health care plans.”

A significant amount of evidence has shown that the use of chiropractic care for certain conditions can be more effective than traditional medical care, with many patients feeling improvement shortly after their first chiropractic visit.

This October, during National Chiropractic Month, talk with a doctor of chiropractic about ways you can achieve better health. “Doctors of chiropractic believe that prevention is the key to health and wellness. Discover how treatment by your local doctor of chiropractic can not only improve your spinal health, but also start you on the road to wellness.”

Dr. Funk is working in collaboration with the American Chiropractic Association to observe National Chiropractic Month. For more information on chiropractic or any of the tips mentioned above please contact Dr. Funk at (512) 788-3366 or visit the ACA Web site: